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Walking into the Week

To find balance in a constantly evolving world is equilibrist act that needs constant readjustments. Well now how does your week look like? What are your priorities? Your dreams? Your hopes? How do you organize yourself? Do you manage to take care of yourself as well ? Indeed we are all the cornerstone of our life’s and of our universe, in a sense that if we are not well we can’t even contribute correctly to the life of others. I pulled this emperor card today, I like to pull a card of the day, it’s feels right! It’s administrative day for me today! What’s your wish? Your tips? Share what your Monday or Week looks like ❤️

Walking into this new week like?

What is this Monday looking like ?

What is this week looking like?


Monday often has been a hard day, now that I make sure I take my “time off” from work between Friday and Saturday night it seems much less abrupt. I started this in March 2016 2 months prior my first solo show in NYC. 

I realized that between life and its normal needs, being a mom of 3, a wife a daughter a friend, and working for myself I was exceeding 16 hours of work per day or night 7 days a week between everything I have to do.

My level of stress was too high and I was loosing track of the good things in life, taking nice careless moments with my children my husband my friends all had a cost. This Screams BOUNDARIES. Well sometimes when you see your dream in big picture in the sky and you don’t want to lose sight of it and all you care about … you kind of work your self out without even realizing it.

My answer was always to limit my work never my time with the family. But then you feel disappointed and frustrated as well. 

So I decided to keep Shabbat, in my language it meant no work, no phone, no internet, time with my family care and self-care. It allows me to recharge. I feel good about it, and if I can’t keep it for some kind of life emergency or need I miss it.

Then I added Reiki to my life, I was in search of Balance.

Being a mom, being a woman, being a wife etc add dreams ambitions life needs and the fact that you want to do it all, it’s 😋.

I was and am craving for balance.

So I learned to better self care.

To find balance in a constantly evolving world is an equilibrist act that needs constant readjustments.

Well now how does your week look like? What are your priorities? Your dreams? Your hopes? How do you organize yourself? Do you manage to take care of yourself as well ? Indeed we are all the cornerstone of our life’s and of our universe, in a sense that if we are not well we can’t even contribute correctly to the life of others.

I m trying new organizing tips:

The CEO HOUR to check what needs to be done this week, (business tip from the Tarot Lady, yes she is a master in organization)

The 3 priorities of the week, and then of each days, I really to this day still don’t manage to make it as simple as this, do You?

Time for selfcare 2 or 3 classes, at least one to help my body Zumba and if possible Yoga, swim, walk. I manage at least one for sure, what about you?

Time to learn, time for a class podcast or book. What’s your favorites?

Time to LOVE, we should never count or restrict this one! It should always be on the top of the least and not buried under so many life practical needs obligations.

Time for one on one with my kids.

Time With friends, at least a diner date….

Hard for me: stop adding to your to do list.

I have intentionally left out all the chores, trying to find a better way for that as well to have more Time For the rest don’t want to waist Time Speaking about it 

I pulled this emperor card today, I like to pull a card of the day, it’s feels right! It’s administrative day for me today! 

What’s your wish? Your tip? Share what your Monday or Week looks like ?


PS: Ah and if you look for a nice movie to relax and get inspired, check out “Into the Beat”, it’s in german but that’s ok they have subtitle in english. I love movies with dance and dreams, I love movies with ballet mixed with other dances, but above all it’s about becoming yourself and following your dreams. And love the music.

Here’s the trailer

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